about kerry
My lifelong passion for photography is rooted in a desire to create images that deeply resonate with the viewer. As a young person, I would pour over National Geographic and coffee table books. Occasionally I would find an image that made me feel as if I were actually on location. And at times, I felt like I wanted to ‘jump into the picture.’ To me, a successful image should capture the essence of a place.
Upon graduating from the University of Texas in 1997, I moved to Houston where I spent the next 15 years traveling to more than 50 countries photographing architecture, wildlife and people. Traveling the world helped hone my photography skills and develop a unique view of architecture and interiors.
I have always had an interest in architecture and design, which marries perfectly with my passion for photography. Now a wife and mother, I started Kerry Kirk Photography which allows me to pursue all of my interests closer to home.